A Granny’s Life For Me

Lyrics by: Rose DeShaw
Gaggle: Kingston
Tune: Hi-Diddle-Dee-Dee

Hi Diddly Dee, A granny’s life for meA flowered hat and a walking cane
The courage to speak when the world’s in pain
Grandkids making things new again
A granny’s life for me!

2) Hi Diddly Doo, There’s other great things too!
The wisdom that comes when you’re growing old
More interests and friends than your arms can hold
To not back down but to stand up, bold.
A granny’s life for me!

Hi diddly dum. Aging’s not really rum
Personal freedom at last has come
We’ve finally learned how to make things hum
More joys, than sorrows, tho there are some…
A granny’s life for me!