Cli–––mate change is beyond ser-i–ous.
That is why we’re raisin’ such a fuss.
If we want our planet to sur-vive
vote the Green New Deal to stay a-live!
So–o-me say that sci-ence is not true.
You can arg–ue with them till you’re blue.
Ra–ther than just getting sad & bleak,
raise your voice and join us in the street!
Car–bon is ris-ing… Sky high!
Spe-cies are dy-ing… NO LIE!
End fossil fu-els… WE MUST!
Ex-tinction’s com-ing… for US!
Gla-ciers are melt-ing… Seas rise!
For-ests burn up as… Earth fries!
Oil’s not the an-swer… Wise UP!
If we don’t stop, we’re… Outa luck!
Trump and Pence must go, and their cronies
and all corp‘rate neolib phonies.
We can’t com-promise a-noth-er inch!
To save the Earth we must get off the bench!
Now we’ve only got a dozen years
to take action, before our worst fears
come to pass…….. (very slow)-> Thanks to all those who lie…..
if we don’t act now we can kiss our butts good bye!!