Corporate Persons Have the Right to Vote

Lyrics by: Nora Freeman and Sunny Armer,
Gaggle: WOWW
Tune: Ruby Tuesday

Corporate persons have the right to vote.Campaign contributions make them gloat.
Thanks to the Supreme Court,
Elections can be bought.
That’s the cost
Of what we lost.


Living breathing human persons
Are the ones who ought to vote.
Votes are now commodities
On the free market.

Corporate persons claim rights to free speech.
Their free speech takes ours out of reach,
And freedom of the press
Is for those who own the press.
Folks like us
Ain’t got the bucks.


Living breathing human persons
Are the ones who need to speak.
Speech is a commodity
On the free market.

Corporations never need to eat.
Not vegetables or fruit or snacks or meat.
Clean water makes them think
Of money in the bank.
I don’t think
They need a drink.


Food and water, education
Healthcare, and a place to live
Should not be commodities
On the free market.

Capital goes all around the world
Seeking sweatshops filled with boys and girls.
No healthcare it provides,
Living wages it derides,
And union-bust-
ing is a must.


Food and water, education,
Healthcare, and a place to live
Should not be commodities on the free market.
Don’t let them be commodities on the free market!