Get Outta Town! (Wal-Mart)

Lyrics by: Unknown
Gaggle: Unknown
Tune: Santa Claus is Coming to Town

You’d better watch out, it’s happening fast –Mom and Pop shops are a thing of the past.
Wal-Mart stores are ruining our town.
The corner store’s gone, it couldn’t compete
With mega-marts cov’ring a million square feet.
Wal-Mart stores are ruining our town.

Two hundred billion dollars
They’re haulin’ in each year!
They’re the biggest corporation
In both the hemispheres….

They say they’re just folks,” simple and plain,
But we know that they’re the Merchants of Shame!
Wal-Mart stores are ruining our town.

You’d better take note if you’re in retail,
Tomorrow your job might be up for sale.
Wal-Mart stores are ruining our town.
A poverty wage is what you’ll expect
When you’ve got the Waltons writing your check.
Wal-Mart stores are ruining our town.

They’re slashing pay and prices,
It’s a national disgrace!
They’re destroying our economy
While they wear their happy face….

So it’s time to say NO! We’re taking a stand.
Shopping for Justice, that is our plan.
Wal-Mart stores, get out of our town!