Kav-a-nau-sea’s ev‘-ry-where!
It’s our coun-tries worst night-mare!
But hold on…(pause)
We’re not done… (pause)
There is some hope!
Impeachments… (pause)
are com-ing… (pause)
they’ll pro-vide the an-ti-dote!
Demand that Congress save our law
by im-peaching Kav-a-naugh!
The Con-gress…(pause)
can kick him…(pause)
out on his butt!
But we must…(pause)
scream loudly…(pause)
Congress still has lots of dumb nuts!
De-moc-ra-cy itself’s at risk.
as long as corp‘rate rule ex-ists.
This is the fight for our law!
We must impeach Kav-e-naugh!