Put Your Finger in the Air (Reproductive Rights edition)

Lyrics by: Kathy Miner
Gaggle: Raging Grannies of Madison WI
Tune: Put Your Finger in the Air (Woody Guthrie)
Date Written or Updated: 05/10/2022

Put your finger in the air, in the air,
Put your finger in the air, in the air;
Put your finger in the air, we need abortion care!
Put your finger in the air, in the air!

Sing remaining verses in the same pattern:

Put your finger on your nose … Sam Alito really blows!
Put your finger on your knee … how we do miss RBG!
Put your finger on your womb … pregnancy should not spell doom!
Put your finger in the shade … we must keep Roe-versus-Wade!

Put your finger in the air, in the air,
Put your finger in the air, in the air;
Put your finger in the air, we need abortion care!
Put your finger in the air, in the air!