Raging Grannies Go Rolling Along

Lyrics by: Sunny Armer
Gaggle: WOWW
Tune: The Caissons Go Rolling Along

We go here, we go there,
We go almost anywhere,

Raging Grannies go rolling along.

Some on foot, some in chairs,

Canes and walkers do their share,

Raging Grannies go rolling along.

Give us more access!

We can’t stand for less.

Enforce the ADA is our song


Try to keep us out,

And you will hear us shout:

Raging Grannies keep rolling along!

Note: I think of this as the marching song of Raging Grannies WOWW. The ADA is Americans with Disabilities Act. Among the goals is making buildings, streets, and public transportation accessible for those with mobility challenges.