Recycling Reminiscences

Lyrics by: Rose DeShaw
Gaggle: Kingston
Tune: Shall We Gather At The River?

When I’ve sorted all my bottlesTied my cardboard real tight
Washed my cans, flattened my plastics
Recycled every thing in sight
Then I spend precious time with my green bin
My egg shells and my coffee grounds and suchhhhh
What a feeling, I am reeling!
That one scrawny granny had so much!

2) Every week is a reminder
Through every bottle, box and can
Of yummy things that I have eaten
Then sorted for the garbageman
It’s a time for meditation
Recycling kinda tweaks my memory
Another week slipped by so quickly
Sorting gave it back to me (at least the meals)

3) Oh I wish there’s more I could do
After my little box is done
Alphabetize every label?
As I watch a lovely setting sun
I’m policing all my neighbors
To check they know just what is going where
Up in heaven I’ll be an asset
They really know recycling there!