How many seas will the oil rigs destroyHow many oceans must die?
How much destruction and damage and loss
Can our poor planet survive?
How many spills must it take ‘til we say
That too many life forms have died?
Now is the time to make our voices roar
We all must proclaim it: Drill no more!
Cheney and Bush spent 8 years gutting rules,
Working as industry shills
Big Oil has not been required to comply
Or guarantee against spills
Profits have won over safety and health
Fools chanted Drill, baby, drill!
Now is the time to make our voices roar
We loudly proclaim it: Drill no more!
How many wars must our armed forces wage?
How many nations destroy?
How many innocent lives will we take
Just to control the world’s oil?
How long will corporate executives be
Treated as if they were royal?
Now is the time to make our voices roar
We loudly proclaim it: Drill no more!
How many horrific oil spills before
Drill, baby, drill is reversed?
How many species will be made extinct
Before we care for the earth?
When will we switch to renewable power?
What is our planet’s life worth?
Now is the time to make our voices roar
We loudly proclaim it: Drill no more!