Your Vote Counts
Re-gister nowRe-gister nowSave the worldSave the worldKeep fools out of pow-erWe need you in this ho-urYour vote counts Your vote countsYou are the fu-tureYou are the fu-tureIt’s in your handsIt’s…
Re-gister nowRe-gister nowSave the worldSave the worldKeep fools out of pow-erWe need you in this ho-urYour vote counts Your vote countsYou are the fu-tureYou are the fu-tureIt’s in your handsIt’s…
If you want to have a say,Re-gis-ter to vote today.Show up at your poll-ing placeTo cast your bal-lot in the race.Chorus: You don’t like ’em, VOTE ‘EM OUT!They don’t listen,…
We have to get our voters out to the pollsWe have to get our voters out to the pollsWe have to get our voters out to the pollsAnd win our…