Lyrics by: various grannies
Gaggle: New Mexico Raging Grannies
Tune: You Are My Sunshine
Date Written or Updated: 01/25/2023

The other night, Sun, as I lay sleeping
I dreamed our ozone layer was gone
When I awoke, Sun, inspired to action,
I just had to write down this song

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You have the power to fuel this place
You leave no poisons, no toxic waste dumps
Just a blush upon my face

Your sister, Wind, too – she’s got some power
and she will help us tirelessly
New Mexico is uniquely suited
For both wind and sun energy

Our human family is waking up now
We’ll change our wasteful, harmful ways
We’ll have a kinder, more peaceful world now
We’ll have healthier, happier days

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You have the power to fuel this place
You leave no poisons, no toxic waste dumps
Just a blush upon my face