Register To Vote Today (Chords)

Lyrics by: Granny Jeanette
Gaggle: Davis, California
Tune: Three Little Fishes
Date Written or Updated: 2018

{title: Register To Vote Today }
{c: To the tune of: Three Little Fishies }
{c: Songs Of The Raging Grannies }
{c: writer/date: Davis, California Gaggle }
{c: recorded by Connie Peabody}
{c: this is in chordpro format which means you can copy and paste this into your favorite song software and it should be able to place the notes above the words. This way other musicians can pick up the song and Rage On!}

[C]If you [C7]want to [F]have a [G7]say,
[C]Re-[C7]gis-[F]ter to vote [G7]today.
[C]Show up [C7]at your [F]poll-ing [G7]place
To [G7]cast your bal-lot in the [C]race.

[C]You don’t [C7]like ’em, [F]VOTE ‘EM [G7]OUT!
[C]They don’t [C7]listen, [F]VOTE ‘EM [G7]OUT!
[C]They’re on [C7]your side, [F]vote ‘em [D7]in!
That [G7]gives ALL of us a [C]win.

[C]Vo-ting [C7]keeps our [F]de-mo-cracy [G7]strong.
[C]If you [C7]don’t heed [F]our lit-tle [G7]song,
[C]It’s your [C7]fault when [F]the votes are [G7]in
If [G7]the one you want-ed did not [C]win.

[C]You don’t [C7]like ’em, [F]VOTE ‘EM [G7]OUT!
[C]They don’t [C7]listen, [F]VOTE ‘EM [G7]OUT!
[C]They’re on [C7]our side, [F]vote ‘em [D7]in!
That [G7]gives ALL of us a [C]win.

[C]With-out [C7]a vote [F]you have no [G7]voice.
[C]Let Con-[C7]gress know [F]you want a [G7]choice.
[C]So let them [C7]know what [F]they should [G7]do.
Po-[G7]lit-i-cos should WORK FOR [C]YOU!

[C]You don’t [C7]like ’em, [F]VOTE ‘EM [G7]OUT!
[C]They don’t [C7]listen, [F]VOTE ‘EM [G7]OUT!
[C]They’re on [C7]our side, [F]vote ‘em [D7]in!
That [G7]gives ALL of us a [C]win.