Gotta end th’ nuclear biz… your lifetime….Wish w’ could….do it soon….in mine!
As for bombs….let’s start today…..
A de-weaponizing race!
Act now….for your kids….and mine.
Nuclear energy’s not …’ new paradigm….
Too many accidents… our time….
In ignorance and in haste
We’ve made all that toxic waste….
And waste is a terrible thing to mind!
Don’t believe those who say nuke energy’s prime….
The waste it piles up is a crime….
And stop using DU
That dangerous residue….
Its tragic birth defects are a sign.
So take this message from Womankind !
Don’t believe ‘em …..those who say it is benign….
Take it from Jonathan Schell….
It is the road to hell…..
‘Cause waste is a terrible thing to mind!
2215 04-10-09