I’m dreaming of a Trump-free Christmas,
The kind we a-l-l used to know.
Where there was no lying
No climate – change – deny-ing
And the I-Q of our PO-TUS wasn’t low. (stay down)
I’m dreaming of a Trump-free Christmas,
The kind where lady-grabbing ends.
Where his cult-like voters
Wake up from their comas
And our leader isn’t glued to “Fox and Friends”. (stay down)
I’m dreaming of a Trump-free Christmas,
The kind where voters boot him out.
No more Russian meddling
Or in-flu-ence peddling
And Republicans in Congress have no clout. (stay down)
I’m dreaming of a Trump-free Christmas,
The kind where rule of law prevails.
There’d be no more obstruction,
With way less corruption
And-this-whole-cra-zy-fasc-ist-coup-just-fails. (go up)
(last line slow)