Ain’t no sun-shine since Trump’s he-e-ere.
On-ly dark-ness ev‘-ry da-a-ay.
Ain’t no sun-shine since he’s here
and it fills our hearts with fear
that he’s plan-nin’ a long sta-a-ay.
This man stole our e-lec-tio-io-ion.
We can’t let him get a-wa-a-ay
with Su-preme Court se-lec-tions
that let big cor-por-a-tions
have all things go-ing their wa-a-ay.
I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know, I know…
this seems like a wast-ed thou-ou-ought
‘cause our Con-gress has been bou-ou-ght .
But u-nite-ed we are stro-o-ong.
We’ll re-sist, block, and de-la-a-ay.
It don’t mat-ter ho-ow long
we will fight all of his wrongs
’til this con man’s locked a-wa-a-ay!
(Slowly and deliberately
Come No-vem-ber we’ll have our sa-a-ay!