CHORUS: Can you hear me now, Verizon?
This wake-up call’s for you.
You’re raking in the billions
And pay no taxes, too.
And now you want your workers
To roll over and play dead,
But we’re not gonna take it
And we’re risin’ up instead!
You’d outsource all your workers
And slash their benefits,
Cut retirees off from health care –
That really gives us fits!
We’re sick of your tax dodging,
It’s a shameful greedy crime,
So we’ll stand with the workers
On Verizon’s picket line.
We’re done with being quiet
While the rich live off the poor.
We’re tired of your greed
And we won’t take it anymore.
We’ll strike against Verizon
‘Til the corporations learn
That the people now are risin’
To take back what we have earned.