We are all students of Mahatma GandhiRefusing violence but standing strong
It’s peace and justice we are demanding
We will not rest till opression’s gone
v2) the other side, dear, has lots of money
Thinks that possessions, can rule the sphere
They’ll find that grannies, steadfast and loving,
Know that ALL people are precious here.
3) Mathatmas Gandhi, chose simple living
Resisting despots by peaceful means
The Raging Grannies, are humbly giving
Advice on saving, all earthly beings
4) Don’t think that we are, inconsequential
If we look silly, and make you smile
Our intercession is providential
Gandhi and grannies fight pow’r that’s vile
5) So in your dealings, in what you’re wearing
Resist the urge to, one-up the rest
Remember there is, one earth we’re sharing
Working together, we’re ALL the best.