V1) Gee, we are here to enlist in the armyThough nobody should fight this stupid war
But someone’s gonna die
So it might as well be I
Than see my grandkids dying for a lie!
2)WE have a lot we can say to the army
Recruiting promises that don’t get kept
Youngsters without a clue
Think war is fun to do
The real picture isn’t one that they are privy to.
So gee, we’re here to enlist in the army
3) Gee, we are here to enlist in the army
We want to make it clear we hate this war
The lying from the top
The moneymaking sops
Youngster’s coffins coming home nonstop!
4)We’ve got a lot we can say to the army
The very dumbest war that ever was
So take us grans instead
We understand that, dead,
Isn’t some game to while a way the boredom in your head!
So, gee we are here to enlist in the army!