Though it would be best, if Obama’s chestBore a big red “S”–Go out and vote!
Though you’re full of doubt, though you’re not devout
Don’t stay home and pout–Go out and vote!
We all know from the latest op-ed, our democracy hangs by a thread
It won’t help if you take to your bed while they gloat.
Though the times are tough, if you’re brave enough
Citizens, Go out and vote!
So you went to school, you’re nobody’s fool
If you’re crazy cool–Go out and vote!
Let the games begin, gather all your kin
Be like Howard Zinn–Go out and vote!
Think what Romney would do as the prez–have you heard all the dumb things he says?
He’d look perfect on top of a Pez–Make a note!
Tell your friends out there–say it everywhere
Hey, people, Go out and vote!