HEY Dudes, please NO more nukes…. That’s the WORST idea yet, SIR-i-irs
We’ve alREAdy got THOUsands of them stored …
Why do you THINK that…we need MORE, Sirs?
HEY Dudes, we KNOW the hype….
they’re just there SO we can deTER-er-er
other COUNtries who JUST might want to strike,
but your REA-easons….just DON’t make sense, Sirs!
INto aNOTHer lion’s DEN, HEY Dudes, again?
They won’t disARM unless WE… do FIR-ir-irst…
WHY’s it not CLEAR… to such SELF-proclaimed WISE men,
non-prolifeRAtion’s been a total FAI-ailure?
La-la-la-la, la-la, la-la
HEY Dudes, it’s JUST not right…
There’s no ETHics in NUclear WARfare-are-are….
TEACHing your PIlots…words of JEsus and Von BRAUN
keeps the real ISsues…out of SIGHT, Sirs!
HEY Dudes, even REAgan said
a NUclear war JUST can’t be won, SIR-i-irs!
We can inCINerate..ENemies FIFty times over,
but it won’t SAVE us…in the END, Sirs!
So before you ASK for funds aGAIN, HEY Dudes, BEgin
to RE-a-lize… that NUKES aren’t KO-osher,
and reMEMber all the VICtims in JaPAN
killed by your deCIsions…made COLD and SO-ober.
La-la-la-la, la-la, la-la
HEY Dudes, you’ve DONE us wrong!
We’re all past FED up, you can BET, SIR-i-irs!
We don’t WANT to hear…ANy more of your lies
or ration’LIzations…to make US feel better!
Better, better, better, better, better, better….WHOA!
No, No, No-no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no, Hey Dudes!
No, No, No-no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no, Hey Dudes!
No, No, No-no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no, Hey Dudes!
No, No, No-no-no-no-no, no-no-no-no-no, Hey Dudes……