There’s a secret some candidates do not want you to kno-o-ow.
H R six seven six is a bi-ill that will…. save you lots and lots of dough!
It’s the on-ly health care bill that’ll co-ver ev’ry-o-o-one
for one hun-dred per-cent of ev-er-y-thing….with out-of-pock-et costs of NONE!
The av’rage vo-ter who’s not a mill-ion-ai-ai-aire
will save between four and nine thou-sand doll-ars a year!
Ber-nie San-ders’ bill leaves out those need-ing long-term ca-a-are.
Mak-ing el-der-ly and the dis-abled stay under Med-i-caid is not fair.
Med-i-caid is state-run and for you to qual-i-fy-y-y
you must be pen-ni-less and the state takes your home when-ev-er you fine’ly die!
H R six seven six leaves no one ou-ou-out!
But to get it passed we all must scream n’ shout!
That’s ’cause the ne-o-li-ber-al and right wing can-di-da-a-ates
are funded by for-pro-fit health in-sur-ance…. that we all know is third rate!
They come up with pho-ny plans that may sound good at fi-ir-irst.
Don’t be fooled be-cause there’s o-on-ly one…. that real-ly won’t rob your purse!
De-mand that an-y can-di-date on your li-i-ist
must pledge to fight for H R six seven si-i-ix !
H R six seven six is real health care!
It will make our health care sys-tem fair!
H R six seven si-ix…. that’s the one
It’s up to all of us to get it done!