Capitalism has reduced everything
to no more than simple corporate bling.
The world is now entirely run by demagogues
and they are all interested in only one thing.
Money here, money there…
Greed goes o-o-on!
La la la la Greed goes on!
Fossil fuels are creating a Hell on Earth!
But corporate interests really do not care!
So long as corporate shares increase in daily worth
they will keep drillin’, and scrapin’ the planet bare!
Profit here, profit there…
Greed goes on!
La la la la Greed goes on!
Plants and animals are dying everywhere!
The greedy rich don’t get it that we’re linked.
If they don’t wise up there will be one thing they’ll share…
Just like us they all will soon become extinct!
Denial here, denial there…
in the end
(very slow)-> La la la we’ll all be gone!