When a government elected onTh’ promise of transparency
Resorts to secrecy….
Y’ know it was hypocrisy….
They have finally demonstrated
True mediocrity….
And it didn’t take long to show.
Didn’t take long to show….
Didn’t take long to show….
Finally demonstrated
True mediocrity…..
And it didn’t take long to show!
When a leader elected on their word
Of trustworthiness….
Reveals their sleaziness….
It arouses our uneasiness….
Can y’ guess who we mean?
Are you feeling that queasiness?
Then we’d say you already know!
We’d say you already know!
We’d say you already know!
You’ve recognized their inate
Lack of “truthiness!”
And that’s how we always know!
D’ you know the definition
Of the word….”politics”?
“Poly” meaning “many”…..
We’d say many more than twenty…..
“Tics” meaning….”nasty
Fighting, biting insects”…
That’s it, now you know!
But we won’t mention any names….
Won’t mention any names….
We’re sure you can fill in our
Intentional “wariness”…..
Yes, you can fill in the names!
#2262 06-24-09