Look what they’ve do-one to our Ea-rth, friends!
Look what they’ve do-one to our Ea-rth, friends!
The only home that we have got
and they’re makin’ it hotter than hot, friends!
Look what they’ve done to Mother Earth.
Look what they’ve do-one to our a-i-r, folks.
Look what they’ve do-one to our so-i-l, folks.
And when the wa-ter is all gone
that will be our very last dawn
Look what they’ve done to life itself!
Look what they’ve do-one to huma-a-ni-ty.
Look what they’ve do-one to commu-u-ni-ty.
We’ve got to see that we’re all one
before this planet comes undone.
Truth should always trump insan-i-ty!
Look what they’ve do-one to our fu-u-ture.
Look how they’re st-e-al-in’ our fu-u-ture.
Keep that evil force at bay
Stand up and tell them “No Damn Way!“