) Tune: Is There Anybody Here Who Loves My Jesus? (Old gospel)
Verse 2 is trying to encourage the young women who join us to not to continue in abusive relationships. Verse 3 is often the cause of the violence, men who think they have a right to tell women, mothers, daughters, wives, what to do, how to live their lives. This is an easy, hand-clapping tune which I will sing into the phone for anyone who wishes, (613-546-7056)
14 women slain in polytechnique
1989 in Montreal
I promised then, oh I promised then
I would not forget
2) Violence in my life it makes me fearful
Denial doesn’t work, the rage goes on
I won’t let it be, I won’t let it be
I will not forget
3) Patriarchy sucks, we can own no one
A person has a right to live their life
I will be strong, oh I will be strong
I will not forget
4) Life is very dear, each moment passing
Live it to the full with courage high
I will walk on, oh I will walk on
I will not forget