PlayStation: War Is Not a Videogame

Lyrics by: Sunny Armer
Gaggle: NYC Metro
Tune: Boogie-Woogie Bugle Boy

He was just a normal, ordinary high school boy.His Game Boy and his X-Box games gave him great joy.
He was the best guy at those games.
But it was only for fun
Till the recruiters came.
He joined the Army then,
And now his claim to fame
Is his high score killing human beings without getting blamed.

She was just a normal, ordinary high school girl.
Her X-Box and her Game Boy really rocked her world.
She was the best girl at those games.
But it was only for fun
Till the recruiters came.
She joined the Army then.
They taught her better aim,
But when civilians died her guilt could not be restrained.

Bang, boom, deedlee-ee beep
Recruiting stations these days
Use simulations
Where kids sit in tanks and blow up bad guys
From foreign nations.
Recruiters tell the kids
War’s like a videogame,
But after real-life battles kids are never the same.

Most kids feel immortal and think they can’t die.
They can’t imagine injuries might wreck their lives,
Or that post-traumatic stress
Can shake up their brains,
And leave them depressed.
Recruiting stations wear
PlayStation camouflage.
Don’t let them draw our kids in with a high-tech mirage.