Would you like to keep our press free
To the truth we’d all have a key
Let reporters be all they can be
Or would you rather jail Assange?
Assange is a journalist with very long ears
He spits out everything he hears
He shared the truth of Hillary’s sin
Now they want him jailed ’cause she didn’t win
And by the way, if you’ll go out on a limb
You might grow up to be like him.
Would you like to keep our press free
To the truth we’d all have a key
Let reporters be all they can be
Or would you lock up Chelsea?
Chelsea the soldier found wrongs she had to tell
Army telling doesn’t go very well
So she carried them off to wik i leaks
Then served her time and did not speak
So if you don’t want to lie and be a cur
You might grow up to be like her
Would you like to keep our press free
To the truth we’d all have a key
Let reporters be all they can be
Or would you rather try Ellsberg?
Daniel read secrets ’bout Vietnam
What was there gave him quite a qualm
He was tried for sharing the Pentagon’s list
But all the charges against him were dismissed
If you think that’s the way you should behave
You might grow up to be that brave
Not all heroes the hard line they toe
Some think the people simply oughta know
If you think truth should always overflow
You might just learn to whistle blow