Georgia peaches, rotted through, SB 202
This bill don’t give a damn ‘bout you, SB 202
With a “No vote” here
And a “Screw you” there
“You ain’t white
Ya don’t need rights
Only for us monied types….
Georgia weeps, it’s black & blue, From SB 202
Now, Jim Crow’s got a suit and tie, With SB 202
Justified by the BIG LIE. That’s SB 202
Kemp and Raffens scream
For their racist dream
“Kill the absentee votes!
Make their sites remote!
If you knock, it’s jail!
Registrations fail!
We can use our powers.
Make ‘em wait for HOURS….
Inhumane new rules, blocking water and food”
That’s SB 202
Well, we ain’t having it, no damn way! SCREW SB 202!
We’re mobilizing, heading your way! SHOO SB 202
Got the Grannies wrath,
Stacy Abrams’ brass
Folks like Barber and Lewis
Show us we can all do this
Organize, stand firm
‘Gainst the racist worms
Turn back their attacks
Bend the good arc back….
Make our Founders proud, Fight as long and loud
(talk ) as it takes to kill….. Georgia’s S B 2 0 2.