Science Here, Science There

Lyrics by: Lee
Gaggle: Tucson
Tune: The Caissons Go Rolling Along
Date Written or Updated: 08/30/18

Sci-ence here, sci-ence there,

cli-mate science ev-rywhere!

But the cli-mate de-ni-ers are blind.

It’s the land of the free,

so we can’t force them to be

well in-formed or to o-pen their mind.

            Wher-e-ver they go, corp-or-a-tions follow dough

            no mat-ter the plan-et-wide harm.

            Pho-ny corp’rate sci-ence is the biggest foe

            of the o-cean, the for-est, and farm.

When they say they are “green

it doesn’t really mean

that they care about trees or the grass.

They’re just lookin’ for a way

to plun-der them for pay

on the sly, while they cover their ass.

            Wher-e-ver they go, corp-or-a-tions follow dough

            no mat-ter the plan-et-wide harm.

            Pho-ny corp’rate sci-ence is the biggest foe

            of the o-cean, the for-est, and farm.

Call your leg-is-lators now.

Tell them you have made a vow

to un-seat them the next time a-round

un-less they’ll sup-port

taking big bizness to court

and pro-mote only sci-ence that’s sound!

            We must end this war on our plan-et near and far

            and pro-secute all guil-ty parties too!

            Our suc-cess does not de-pend on wish-in’ on a star



(shout)   ACT NOW!