Stop Gun Violence

Lyrics by: Sally-Alice Thompson with added lyrics by Marcy Matasick
Gaggle: New Mexico
Tune: Darling Nellie Gray

Orlando and Columbine, Las Vegas, Sandy Hook,Aurora and the Parkland shooting, tooBlood and tears just keep on flowing; NRA just keeps on growing!
Legislators: What are you going to do ??!!
Thoughts and prayers are not enough!
It’s time that we got tough!
Stop the killing and the fear and the chaos!
No more murder, no more mourning
for those cut down without warning!
Stop creating all this grief for loved ones lost!

What kind of a society would sacrifice their young
to exalt the rights of gun nuts and their guns?
We must honor human life, and the right to live in peace
We must value and protect our little ones!
We say never again!!
We’re going to put an end
to the slaughter and the senseless gun attacks
Reps who sold their souls to NRA are going to be gone
and replaced with those who care enough to act!

Australia used to suffer from gun violence, like us
But they stopped it with some strong regulations
Now they haven’t seen a massacre since 1996
Time for us to pass effective legislation!
Thoughts and prayers are not enough!
It’s time that we got tough!
Stop the killing and the fear and the chaos!
No more murder, no more mourning
for those cut down without warning!
Stop creating all this grief for loved ones lost!

Assault weapons must be banned! Background checks, we will expand
Give more help and fewer guns to the mentally ill
Ban the silencers and bump stocks! Close the loopholes, we demand!
Keep all guns out of the hands of criminals
We say never again!!
We’re going to put an end
to the slaughter and the senseless gun attacks
Reps who sold their souls to NRA are going to be gone
and replaced with those who care enough to act!


If you want to get familiar with the melody, we posted an earlier version of this song on YouTube last year: This new version is updated to include Parkland and to call on legislators to get tough on guns or get out.