The pacifist todayMust find out how to make
constructive substiutions for war talk
A kind of lexicon of words that used to aim
to bring down destruction on others.
2) Instead of ‘bombs,’ let’s FEED
GIVE, instead of guns
Grandmothers stand in for soldiers
To CARE, not to kill
To listen to the world
Learn the new language of Peacetalk.
2) A VILLAGE in the hills
Is NOT a ‘battlefield.’
It’s homes NOT ‘Objectives -For-Generals.
Their young children’s LIVES
NOT ‘Casualties-Of-War’
Grandmothers say NO to soldiers.
3) The pacifist today
knows what Spinoza said
‘Peace is a VIRTUE. It’s JUSTICE.’
Not absence of war.
Not a thousand hollow words.
Grandmothers speak peace together.