Your Vote Counts
Re-gister nowRe-gister nowSave the worldSave the worldKeep fools out of pow-erWe need you in this ho-urYour vote counts Your vote countsYou are the fu-tureYou are the fu-tureIt’s in your handsIt’s…
Re-gister nowRe-gister nowSave the worldSave the worldKeep fools out of pow-erWe need you in this ho-urYour vote counts Your vote countsYou are the fu-tureYou are the fu-tureIt’s in your handsIt’s…
If you want to have a say,Re-gis-ter to vote today.Show up at your poll-ing placeTo cast your bal-lot in the race.Chorus: You don’t like ’em, VOTE ‘EM OUT!They don’t listen,…