Oh, pity the poor Raging Grannies, how awful!Now that Election Day’s over and gone….
We won’t have to rage about Bush any longer
So who will inspire our outrageous songs?
We’ve raged about war in Iraq and the bailouts,
For immigrants’rights and for good health care, too.
But now that Obama has won the election
We’re not feeling outraged – so what will we do?
We’ll house all the homeless and feed all the hungry,
We’ll put folks to work and we’ll end all the wars.
We’ll have fair elections and make living wages….
These are the changes we’ve been raging for.
If we’re feeling hopeful how can we be raging?
Our despair has been lifted – our shoulders are light.
It’s time now to do what Obama’s requested:
To roll up our sleeves and start setting things right.
Obama has set up his change-dot-gov web site
So we all can tell him what he should now do.
That’s a no-brainer! And here’s what we’ve told him:
Put George Bush in jail and then Dick Cheney, too!