Tweeting in the morning, tweeting in the evening, tweeting at
supper time,
Making sure his cronies, love him all the time.
Golf at Mar-a-la-go, hanging at Trump Tow-er, cov-er-ing up each crime
Making sure his cronies, love him all the time.
Privatizing prisons, dirtying our water, building walls no one can climb,
Making sure his cronies, love him all the time.
Demonizing neighbors, hating on the press corps, giving health care not one dime,
Making sure his cronies, love him all the time.
Tweeting in the morning, tweeting in the evening, tweeting at supper time,
Making sure his cronies, love him all the time.
(repeat last line with different versions, fade out)
Making sure that Putin loves him all the time.
Making sure that Exxon, loves him all the time.
Making sure that Wall Street, loves him all the time.