Wasteful Military Spending 2012

Lyrics by: Vicki Ryder updated
Gaggle: North Carolina
Tune: Frère Jacques

Death unending!  Military spending!What a waste! What a waste!
Reinstate some sanity,
Spend taxes for humanity,
Invest in peace! Invest in peace!

Let’s build schools instead of bombs,
We need jobs! We need jobs!
Don’t spend all our taxes
To fight the “evil axis.”
Invest in peace! Invest in peace!

Missile shields and drones and bombers –
What a waste! What a waste!
While we’re busy making war
We’re neglecting our own poor!
Invest in peace!  Invest in peace!

It’s time to end these wars of terror.
Bring ’em home! Bring ’em home!
How many more of us must die
In bloody wars all based on lies?
Invest in peace! Invest in peace!