Do you ever wonder why we always have the funds
For wars and corporate bailouts
And the banks so poorly run?
But we never have the money
For the urgent needs at home,
Like jobs and schools and health care
And homes for everyone?
Wh – ere do our taxes go then?
Wh – ere do our taxes go then?
Forty-seven cents of each tax dollar
Goes to fund the wars!
And that’s got to stop right now!
We can help turn things around now
If we only will decide
To join together and elect
Officials on our side
Who will work to save our planet
And build roads and bridges, too,
To build and not destroy!
Repeat chorus
So call your Senators and Reps
And just be sure they know
That the way they’re spending our tax dollars
Simply has to go.
Be sure they get the message
That we want our taxes back
To build and not destroy!
Repeat chorus