Our Grief is Real
The government’s spending our taxesOn god-awful weapons of warThat are killing some other mothers’ childrenLeft grieving on some distant shore.They’re buying up more ammunition,Missiles and bombers and drones,Bringing death and…
The government’s spending our taxesOn god-awful weapons of warThat are killing some other mothers’ childrenLeft grieving on some distant shore.They’re buying up more ammunition,Missiles and bombers and drones,Bringing death and…
We’re the Raging Grannies calling out from far and wide,Rising up together like a mighty ocean tide,To stop the wars and killing so we all can live and thrive,One human…
Well, the climate is a-changin’And the Earth is gettin’ hot,We’ve got drought and wild fires, and even more;We’ve got climate refugees,And the rising of the seas,But the worst threat of…
From the sand dunes down in south Iraqto the wild Alaskan seas,we have trashed the earth to pump the oiljust to fuel our SUV'sWe have overthrown democraciesto exploit their oil…
O, give us a home, where no predators roam,where no pilot-less, lethal planes fly where people are safe in their own living spaceand death doesn’t rain from the sky! Drones,…
Where the hell does all this damnable CO2 come from,that is dealing our earth such a blow?Well, a lot of it comes from our acts of aggressionagainst countries we name…
You made us angry when you raised all those taxes on the poor;We were outraged when you authorized those pipelines;But you’ll really hear us roarIf you start another war.You’re a…