Demography vs. Democracy
Israelis have a terrible problem And they're told that it will extinguish them It's called demography; they don't know what to do And so democracy is now their problem too…
Israelis have a terrible problem And they're told that it will extinguish them It's called demography; they don't know what to do And so democracy is now their problem too…
Capitalist cronies Are not our BFFs Don’t want us to be free Make deals like TPP That’s Trans-Pacific Partnership, to be clear The jobs that we have here We’ll have…
Free markets must be able to indulge their every whim Environmental laws and regs will bring a future grim Planet liveability is not our concern Because for us, the key…
Getting to know themGetting to know all about them Getting to wish we’d never heard of their name They say they’re a “party” but this party’s no fun There are…
Zip-A-Dee Doo Dah we're the 1%What a shame that you can't pay your rent You're on the street now, who the hell cares It aint no secret, we don’t like…
Women, females, ladies, little girlsAll have those nasty lady parts Ovaries, vaginas, uteri This song’s not for the faint of heart! Republicans from Michigan We can make them twitch again…
Clean air, clean water, a liveable planetHealthcare for all and a lot of mass transit Enough food for everyone, that’s what we sing These are a few of our favorite…
Occupation Occupation Occupation Breeds resistance Negotiation Negotiation Negotiation Will bridge the distance Arabs suffer like we do When bombs they are subjected to Just like Jewish kids Their…
Sometimes cops, they just seem to lose itThat’s what dark-skinned people must fear There’s a long list of abuses to prove it Here are a few of those mournful names.…
Marcelo LuceroWorked for wages so very low Kids who didn’t like immigrants Went out hunting for someone like him To torment and terrify They wanted to terrify Marcelo Lucero To…
Who wrote the songs that made detainees sing,Of terrorism plots and other things. To kill Americans like you and I Who wrote the songs Who wrote the songs Pearl Jam…
Try not to get sickOr you might as well die. Avoid accidents, I’m telling you why You can’t afford medical, care You pay premiums, Meet deductibles Then you find out…
Sensory overloadExtremes of heat and cold Sleep deprivation Prolonged isolation Stress and duress What a bloody mess We must investigate war crimes. Enhanced interrogation Cheney told the nation But it’s…
PCBs, you’re under our skin,Nuclear waste, you’re deep in the hearts of us So deep in our hearts, you’re really a part of us We’ve got you, under our skin…
Food, horrible foodPumped into the nostrils Through a finger-wide tube Is not caring, it’s hostile Over there on Guantanamo A hunger strike is proceeding The guards’ll show them a thing…
Guns and bombs, nukes and tanks Mean lots of money in the bank For KBR and Boeing too Who foots the bill? It's me and you Even if they replace…
If I had a hammer, I’d hammer for Mumi - ee -ah I’d hammer for a new trial, That follows the rules. A proud black journalist, Framed in a sham…
Is there aught we hold in common with the greedy parasite, Who would lash us into serfdom and would crush us with his might? Is there anything left to us…
Occupy Wall Street, Is what our country needs To feed the poor and end the wars, With the most urgent speed. Bloomberg threw us out, But let there be no…
Good news! # # Occupy Wall Street’s a-coming! Good news! # # Occupy Wall Street’s a-coming! Good news! # # Occupy Wall Street’s a-coming! And you don't want us to…
Deck the Capitol with cash, Fa la la la la, la la la la. We saved you from a Wall Street crash, Fa la la la la, la la la…
Zip-A-Dee-Doo-Dah, we're the 1% What a shame if you can't pay your rent You're on the street now, who the hell cares It ain't no secret, we're not gonna share!…
We go here, we go there, We go almost anywhere, Raging Grannies go rolling along. Some on foot, some in chairs, Canes and walkers do their share, Raging Grannies go…
O where, O where has my equity gone?O where, O where can it be? Though the Stimulus Bill Offered nearly a trill, The government wouldn’t help me. O where, O…
How much money are we really spendingOn our endless war in Iraq? Let's cut off the funds and save that money For injured troops when they come back. How much…
We shall not pay for endless wars;We shall not pay for endless wars. We'll pay for jobs and health and education, Not for endless wars! We don't want Obama fighting…
Guns and bombs, nukes and tanks,Mean lots of money in the bank For KBR and Boeing too, Who foots the bill? It's me and you! Back in 1991, The Iron…
We're the Raging Grannies and we're here to take a standAgainst the senseless killing raging in Afghanistan, Iraq is still a quagmire as we sink into the sand. We rage…
Oh, we are a gaggle of granniesUrging you off of your fannies; We're telling you now We're angry and how! No more war! With all that government spending To fight…
There's many out of work,Health insurance lost. Let single payer fix it, It’s not too big a cost. So: Make it single payer! Hey, Congress, try again! Give health care…